
Whole Museums

Next Generation Museum Protocols

> Whole Museumsは、次世代の文化経済のプロトコルを開発する、非営利・公益目的のプロジェクトです。2017年に立ち上げられ、研究開発が行われています。

あらゆる知の存在を認め、その価値を見出し、円滑に代謝させる社会は可能か。 人間が築き上げてきた文化的財を担う基盤は、そのためにどう生れ変わるべきか。 時を跨ぐヴィジョンと新しい文化経済に向けて、「Whole Museums」は自律分散システムとしてミュージアムを再構築します。



次世代のミュージアムとは、文化にまつわるプロトコルを先導する存在でなければなりません。 これからの世界において、知とは、文化とは、価値とは、どうあるべきか。共に考え、変えていくための契機を技術によってつくります。
Is it possible to accept all knowledge, find its value, and create societies which make that metabolism smoothly? To realize that, how should we change a foundation of the cultural goods that human beings built? "Whole Museums" reconstructs the museums as a distributed autonomous system, toward the vision beyond time and the new cultural economy.
The current museums are in a vicious cycle that continues to lose autonomy and flexibility. Because that is making the arbitrary selection and value judgment of the cultural goods as the centralized hall of fame, and established unfair rules that are the subordinate to bloated markets and the tax-dependent managements. The closed operations of the industry and the distorted power refuse the winds of the times such as innovation and new expressions, and even force the mission of the museums such as succession and distribution into a crisis.
To solve various problems caused by these structural defects, we attempt to rebuild the cultural economy by using new information technology such as cryptocurrency and blockchain.
As an example, we design a new evaluation system to obtain reward as the social return by promoting voluntary management of the cultural goods by the value creator. That new incentive mechanism will be a system which is embedded transparency of operation and necessity of sustainable research&development of new technology into the protocol level, and sync with citizens and museums beyond division. And we aim to update the meaning of the word, "museums", not only specific institutions, but to allow everyone who wants its existence and the role to be in charge.
The next generation museums have to become leaders in culture-related protocols.
In the future world, what will become knowledge, culture, and value? We will create opportunities to think and change them by technology.
- Whole Museums Task Force, 2017 -

D E C E N T R A L I Z E D - A P P L I C A T I O N - F O R - A R T S
















Robust and traceable notarization

Register your cultural goods on the public blockchain then issue a certificate. For example, when you as a creator register a work, you can do operations such as verifying the history of ownership transfer and the copyright attribution while maintaining semi-anonymity.

Implementation of expanded resale right

Traceable proofs and smart contracts enable automatic redistribution of the profit of cultural goods. For example, whenever ownership of cultural goods is resold, part of its profit is automatically remitted to the creators and primary publishers.
*Resale right (droit de suite) is a nontransferable right which aims at the protection of artists who can collect profits at a certain rate when the work is resold at the secondary market, and is mainly operated in Europe.

Development of hybrid-readable new rights

Smart Contract, a programmable contract, showed new possibilities by automatic transactions of electronic assets. What should the rights of cultural goods such as copyrights and ownership change in the economic zone where the computers are mixed as the operating entity that is expected to develop in the future? Based on reflections that the rights was led by capitalists until the 21st century, we develop and verify it from the public interest point of view.

Formulation of general description method in the form of diversifying expressions

Current archive technology can not cope with various forms of expression that humans can handle. Even in the area of artworks, not only printed matter and sculpture, but also various expressive forms such as computer programs and one-time intangible phenomenon exists. Particularly as new media are adopted, the countermeasures have not been taken so it is becoming difficult to form markets. We will develop new technology to operate cultural goods, then will solve this problem.

Incentive design with a new evaluation system

To the society where everyone can utilize their cultural goods. We aim to design a distribution and evaluation system of cultural goods that can earn a reward appropriate for it, by returning your things and knowledge to society.

Tourism industry of cultural goods

One of the application examples of WM is the tourism industry. Currently, many cultural goods are not well utilized as assets due to preserving and rights-related friction, and are subject to relief by the tax. However, they are precious assets built on history, and the value creation is possible depending on technical support. WM will enter this issue from the perspective of information technology.

The next generation public

The next generation public How you use this depends on you, and your data and creations are yours. WM is not a commercial platform that monopolizes the data and market, or encloses users. It is a network that shifts the operations of various cultural goods to the next stage. For example, museums, galleries and artists can make their day-to-day work more efficiently and can be used for building new business models. In addition, if you have professional knowledge in a specific field, but cannot make use of it due to institutional inadequacies, you can operate a new museum autonomously.

Available free

WM's fee is free. We will seek sustainable development and operation through donation.
* The charge for the blockchain itself will take slightly. (Gas of contract if Ethereum).


We will inform you here when inviting testers.

Let's make the most of this super cool hero!
ただいま試験運用と開発中です。 現在のα版では、Ethereumを主として、予備的にBitcoinのブロックチェーンを使用しています。今後は別の基盤技術へと移転する可能性があります。
WM is a non-profit and public-interest service.
We aim to become DAO as a sustainable organization and a public foundation.
WM aim to open source.
The source will be closed in the early stages of development and will be released after the beta version. Currently we are making the proof of concept with specialist institutions mainly related to art.
WM is in alpha version.
It is now under development. In the current alpha version, we mainly use Ethereum and supplementally use Bitcoin's blockchain. In the future there is a possibility of transfer to another basic technology.